Wednesday, May 3, 2017

News Round-Up: May 3, 2017

Some news items you may have missed:

• A pensive Pietro Boselli is giving you morning mood via photographer Mariano Vivanco.

• Housing Works, New York City's groundbreaking housing project for people with HIV, turns 20.

• Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed a bill into law today that allows faith-based adoption agencies to discriminate against same-sex couples.

• The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals says a gay couple denied a marriage license in 2015 by noted homophobe Kim Davis can sue her for legal fees :)

• Police in Chechnya are reportedly telling parents to kill their gay children, or else they’ll murder them themselves.

• Netflix's next Marvel series brings together Daredevil, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage as "The Defenders." The series drops August 18th, but you can watch the snazzy new trailer below.