Friday, February 12, 2016

NOM Attacks Donald Trump For Not Being Anti-Gay Enough

The folks over at the National Organization for Marriage have the odd idea that they are relevant in some way today.

They've launched a new attack ad, titled "Dump Trump," directed at GOP front-runner Donald Trump that basically says the Trumpster doesn't hate on gays enough.

In an email (that includes at least NINE requests for donations), NOM president Brian Brown writes:
As the ad makes clear, when Donald Trump quit on the fight for marriage, he quit on South Carolina and over 50 million voters across the nation who cast ballots defining marriage as one man and one woman. The ad urges South Carolinians to “Dump Trump.”

Keep in mind that the marriage amendment passed in South Carolina with 78% of the overall vote. However, it likely got upwards of 90% of the vote among Republicans who will be voting for president on February 20th. Clearly, the ad could cause some serious damage to the Trump campaign and thus help propel forward other pro-marriage candidates like Sen. Ted Cruz.