Friday, August 28, 2015

Kentucky: Official Misconduct Charges Filed Against County Clerk By Rowan County Government

The hits just keep coming for anti-gay Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis in Kentucky.

Official misconduct charges have been referred to the Kentucky Attorney General by the Rowan County government against Davis late Friday afternoon.

From the Lexington CBS affiliate:

The Rowan County Attorney's Office said on Friday that it has referred to the Attorney General's Office a charge of official misconduct against Davis. A release from the county attorneys office says Kentucky Bar Association "Rules of the Supreme Court of Kentucky prohibit the Rowan County Attorney's Office from prosecuting Davis" because they are involved in current litigation with Davis.

"Typically, the attorney general's office refers conflict cases to a prosecutor from another county," the release says.

The release says Rowan County Government and the Rowan County Attorney's Office cannot take any other action against Kim Davis.

"Kentucky state government is the only entity that can move to have Kim Davis removed as Rowan County Clerk," the release says.

A spokeswoman for the attorney generals office told WKYT they are looking into the matter.

According to Morehead News:

Official misconduct in the first degree is a Class A misdemeanor and is punishable with imprisonment not to exceed 12 months and fines of $500.

Official misconduct in the second degree is a Class B misdemeanor and carries a potential punishment of up to 90 days imprisonment and fines of $250.

The charge must be tried in court before a designation of first or second degree is placed upon it.

Davis, who has been married four times, refuses to issue marriage licenses to gays and lesbians over her "deeply held religious beliefs."

"Religious beliefs" that clearly don't cover the issue of divorce.