Friday, July 17, 2015

New York Post Praises Evan Wolfson & Freedom To Marry

In light of Freedom To Marry's decision to "close up shop" now that marriage equality is the law of the land, New York Post gives praise to Evan Wolfson and company for moving on now that they've accomplished their mission:

In a rarity for any US advocacy group, Freedom to Marry is closing up shop “simply” because it won.

The move is applause-worthy because it’s so rare for any “public interest” lobby. Most outfits just find some new cause to justify keeping the money rolling in.

“We achieved the goal we set out to do,” said Evan Wolfson, Freedom to Marry’s founder and president, when the Supreme Court ruled last month that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to get married.

Instead of becoming “an organization that flails around and figures out what to do next,” Wolfson will help the group’s 30 or so employees find other “good-guy causes” to work on.

Most of the staff will be gone by December, he figures, with a few left to finally turn out the lights in February.

Freedom to Marry has the class to roll the credits once the “hero” has won.

Here’s hoping it starts a trend.

It should be noted that the New York Post is owned by arch-conservative Rupert Murdoch, making the tip of the hat that much more of a surprise.

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