Chobani Yogurt has a new commercial out featuring a very attractive lesbian couple in bed.
I know, I know - cue Franklin Graham and his boycott contingency. Not only homo - but homo in bed!
Graham's list of companies to avoid is getting long, long, long...
Interestingly, Gawker hated the ad for other reasons; primarily, the product itself. Here's the rather pointed review:
Bad yogurt company Chobani, whose product is to “Greek yogurt” what fermented urine is to champagne, has stooped to an outrageous, sexy new low in trying to distract the public from the taste of its pasty goo.
It is plain as day to see that Chobani, desperate to align itself with any image other than “maker of America’s worst cow-related product,” has plunged directly to the bottom of the barrel, enlisting hot naked lesbians lounging around in their birthday suits in a last-gasp effort to make you, the easily seduced consumer, believe that bad yogurt is “sexy.”
(h/t JMG)