Thursday, May 7, 2015

Nebraska: Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against "All Homosexuals"

Sylvia Driskell's handwritten lawsuit

Last week, Sylvia Driskell from Auburn, Nebraska filed a lawsuit against all homosexuals - ALL of us - asking the court to decide whether homosexuality is a sin.

Judge John Gerrad does not suffer fools lightly, and has dismissed the case in a strongly worded opinion.


Gerrard said Driskell lacked subject matter jurisdiction and cannot sue a class of unidentified defendants. Driskell did not set forth a factual or legal basis for a federal claim.

"The United States Federal Courts were created to resolve actual cases and controversies arising under the Constitution and the laws of the United States," Judge Gerrard said. "A federal court is not a forum for debate or discourse on theological matters."

Gerrard declined to allow Driskell an opportunity to amend her complaint.

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