Sunday, May 3, 2015

John Boehner: States Should Continue To Deal With Marriage No Matter What SCOTUS Rules

Appearing on NBC's  Meet The Press this morning, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) told Chuck Todd that even if the Supreme Court rules in favor of marriage equality, states should still "continue dealing with it."

Chuck Todd: "If the Supreme Court rules how a lot of people expect them to rule, legalizing same-sex marriage in all 50 states, do you anticipate gaveling a platform of the Republican party at the Cleveland convention in your home state of Ohio that is still going to have a platform calling for a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage?"

John Boehner: "I don't know what's going to happen at the Republican convention. But listen, I believe in traditional marriage, but I also respect the views of others. I'll let the Court make their decision but at the end of the day the states are well equipped to deal with this. They've been dealing with it, and they should continue dealing with it."

Boehner added that he wasn't asked to sign the Republican amicus brief submitted to SCOTUS opposing same-sex marriage, but says he "probably" would have signed it if asked.

Boehner said in 2013 that he couldn't imagine supporting marriage equality even if his own son were gay.

Watch Boehner's remarks on same-sex marriage below at the 3:25 mark.

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