The Washington state florist who was found guilty of breaking state public accommodations laws stands to receive over $150,000 in donations from a GoFundMe campaign set up for her.
Barronelle Stutzman, a Christian florist, refused to sell flowers for a same-sex wedding. This constituted a violation of state law because sexual orientation is included in the state's public accommodation laws.
The Washington State Attorney General and the same-sex couple sued Barronelle.
The court found her liable for violating the Washington Law Against Discrimination and ruled that both the state and the couple may collect damages and attorneys' fees from Barronelle's business and personal assets.
A friend then set up a crowd-sourcing campaign alleging Stutzman could "lose her business, her home, and her savings."
In reality, she was fined a whopping $1,000.
The "friend" writes on the GoFundMe page:
The funds will be held until the legal challenge has been resolved and the full extent of the need is assessed. Funds may be used to help cover any outstanding legal fees and costs imposed from the opposition. Funds may also be used to help replace the assets taken as a result of the legal challenges brought against Barronelle. The total cost to Barronelle is unknown because the legal challenges are ongoing. In the event the funds provided by donors exceed Barronelle’s needs, the funds will be used to cover those same expenses for others who defend their constitutional right to live consistently with their faith.