Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Memories Pizza Owners Come Out Of Hiding Since $842,000 Windfall

The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana, have come out of hiding for the first time since they told the world they would not serve a gay couple food for a wedding.

Via the Daily Mail:

In an exclusive first interview inside Memories Pizza restaurant since it closed down last week, owner Kevin O’Connor and daughter Crystal emerged from hiding and told Daily Mail Online they had been heartened by the support of 29,000 people who donated and many more who wrote to them.

They revealed they are set to share their new fortune with disabled children, a women’s help group, fire fighters, police trusts, Christian churches and Washington florist Barronelle Stutzman, 70, who was fined after declaring she would not serve a gay wedding.

The O’Connors are being advised by financial guru Ed Butowsky, an expert in the investment wealth management industry. He said: "Mr O’Connor and Crystal are genuine people. He is devastated that he has given Walkerton a bad name and people around the US might view it as a gay hating town. It is not that. But the O'Connors believe what they believe and that is their right. They want to share the money they have received and we are discussing how best that should happen. Nothing has been decided 100 per cent, but some charities will receive money as will Barronelle Stutzman who they wish to support."

Mr. O'Connor adds that ‘ If any child of mine came out as gay and entered into a gay marriage, I would still love them, but Daddy wouldn’t be going to the wedding.’

It would seem that Barronelle Stutzman becomes a double recipient as a separate crowd-sourcing campaign has already raised over $150,000.

Hate pays, huh?

It's worth noting that the Daily Mail regularly pays for stories and interviews. Just saying...