Saturday, March 7, 2015

Sen. Rand Paul: Same-Sex Marriage "Offends Myself And A Lot Of People"

Appearing on Fox News yesterday, Republican Senator Rand Paul from Kentucky told Bret Baier that allowing gays and lesbians to marry "offends myself and a lot of people."

“I’m for tradition marriage,” Paul said. “I think marriage is between a man and a woman. Ultimately, we could have fixed this a long time ago if we just allowed contracts between adults. We didn’t have to call it marriage, which offends myself and a lot of people.”

“I think having competing contracts that would have given them equivalency before the law would have solved a lot of these problems, and it may be where we’re still headed.”

Clearly, Sen. Paul (a probable candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination) is of a mind that "separate but equal" would suit him better than true marriage equality. But, as everyone knows, "separate but equal" is never "equal."

A spokesperson for the Democratic National Committee, Ian Sams, issued this statement:

“Saying marriage equality ‘offends’ him gives us yet another glimpse of Paul’s true colors — a restrictive, retro social agenda that sets back LGBT rights and questions longstanding gains in civil rights. Support for marriage equality is at record highs, and most Americans now live in states where it’s legal. What’s truly offensive is Rand Paul’s insistence on being stuck in the past and failing to support equal rights for LGBT Americans.”


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