Sunday, November 2, 2014

Egypt: Eight Men Sentenced To Three Years In Prison Due To One Minute Wedding Video

Although determined "not gay" via forensic inspection (think about that one), eight men in Egypt have been sentenced to three years in prison for "debauchery" in relation to a video depicting what authorities say represent a "gay wedding."

From CNN:

By the big smiles, warm hugs and loud cries of ululation, the video seems to show a joyous celebration.

An Egyptian prosecutor looked at the same footage and saw something very different: a "satanic ceremony" with images that are "shameful, regrettable and anger God."

However it is characterized, the event has landed eight men in jail for three years, an Egyptian court ruled Saturday. The men will face three years of probation upon their release, according to Egypt's state-run Ahram Online.

It's all because of a roughly 1-minute video set upon a Nile riverboat. It shows several well-dressed men, one of which pulls out a ring and slips it on another man's finger. The two had a brief kiss, then hug -- all as others on the boat cry out happily around them. There's a cake with two men's picture on it.

"May your night be filled with pomp and ceremony," one man says.

The video went viral after posting online.

(h/t JMG)

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