Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sen. Ted Cruz: I Love My iPhone Even If CEO Tim Cook "Chooses" To Be Gay

Sen. Ted Cruz didn't miss his chance to say that he "loves his iPhone" even though Apple CEO Tim Cook has "chosen" to live a gay lifestyle.

Via Advocate:

During an interview with CNBC, Cruz was asked about the Bloomberg Businessweek story in which Cook addressed his sexual orientation publicly for the first time.

"Those are his personal choices. I’ll tell you, I love my iPhone," Cruz said according to The Hill. He added, "Listen, Tim Cook makes his personal decisions, and that is his life. My focus is on the constitutional question of who has the authority to make decisions."

It's worth noting that Sen. Cruz is the coauthor of the State Marriage Defense Act, which would stop the federal government from invalidating state laws on marriage.