Wednesday, October 15, 2014

San Diego: GOP Candidate Carl DeMaio Struggles On Many Campaign Fronts

Openly gay GOP Congressional candidate Carl DeMaio
Gay Republican candidate Carl DeMaio is having troubles with his campaign on more than one front.

First of all, the LGBT community is not fond of him. There has been no "rallying around the gay candidate" in this case. Apparently, he's very unlikeable and his policies don't jive with the community.

Second, there's the current scandal going on right now as he has been accused of sexual harassment of a former staffer. Not the news you want in the headlines just weeks before an election.

And then there's the issue of a comment he made at a fundraising event where he said if elected he would owe "everything" to the Tea Party.

Three strikes, you're out Mr. DeMaio.

See the report by NPR below.

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