Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Anti-gay Peter LaBarbera Calls For Civil Disobedience Because "Gay"

Anti-gay Peter LaBarbera calls for civil disobedience because "gay:"

"Yesterday's action by the Supreme Court only solidifies the idea that the powerful elites who dominate politics, media and culture do not care what the people think, expressed through the ballot box or their elected state legislators.

"And if 'We the People's' votes do not count, then We live not in freedom but under tyranny. The notion that nine men and women in black robes know more about what constitutes marriage than 76 percent of Oklahoma's voters is insulting and preposterous.

"Now is the time for civil disobedience on a massive scale: we hope that statesmen and citizens alike--in Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Indiana, Utah and Virginia—indeed, any state where the people's will has been robbed by elitist judges—will reassert their state sovereignty against escalating judicial supremacy.

"The Scriptures are clear that homosexual practice is an offense against both God and the very bodies of those who practice it."

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