Monday, October 6, 2014

Add Colorado To The List As Attorney General Admits Defeat On Marriage Equality

The Attorney General of Colorado, John Suthers, issued a statement today saying all opposition to same-sex marriage would be dropped in light of the US Supreme Court's denial of review of all circuit court rulings on the issue.

Colorado is in the 10 Circuit Court, which oversees Utah and Oklahoma, whose appeals were denied today.

The United States Supreme Court this morning denied review of all seven of the petitions from the lower Federal Circuit Courts that arose from challenges to state bans on same-sex marriage.

"Because the 10th Circuit Court, which has jurisdiction over Colorado, struck down Utah and Oklahoma’s ban, today’s decision by the high court clears the way for same-sex couples to legally wed in Colorado once stay orders have been lifted.

"The following statement is to be attributed to Colorado Attorney General John Suthers:

“We have consistently maintained that we will abide by the Supreme Court's determination on the constitutionality of marriage laws.

"By choosing not to take up the matter, the court has left the 10th Circuit ruling in place. We expect the 10th Circuit will issue a final order governing Colorado very shortly. Once the formalities are resolved, clerks across the state must begin issuing marriage licenses to all same-sex couples.

"We will file motions to expedite the lifting of the stays in the federal and state courts and will advise the clerks when to issue licenses.”

(via press release)

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