Sunday, September 21, 2014

Poem: "Until We Could"

Beautifully written by inaugural poet Richard Blanco, Freedom To Marry commissioned "Until We Could" to celebrate 10 years of marriage equality.

Shot in Austin, Texas, the short film features Blanco's words are narrated by actors Robin Wright and Ben Foster.

From The Daily Beast:

The poem and video was the initial brainchild of Peter Spears an actor, director, and producer — and FTM volunteer — whose had the idea to approach Blanco. “We shot it in Austin’s film community, and Texas is on the precipice of marriage equality,” says Spears. “There are real couples in the film — like the male couples in their forties with kids — and also actors. Austin was off the charts, they put all their talent and time into making this happen.”

At this writing, 19 states and the District of Columbia allow same-sex marriage. Forty-four percent of Americans live in a state with marriage equality. Fifty-nine percent of Americans support the freedom to marry.