Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"Latte Salute" Scandal Dominates Right Wing News as Airstrikes Continue in Syria

From Right Wing Watch:

Pat Robertson took on the right-wing media’s made-up scandal about President Obama’s “latte salute," which he somehow managed to connect with this week's airstrikes on the Khorasan Group terror cell.

“I think we need to give our president a break, he’s got so much on his mind right now,” co-host Wendy Griffith told Robertson of the coffee-cup incident.

Robertson disagreed, saying, “I won’t give him a break on this one,” before adding his theory that Obama ordered airstrikes on the terror cell because he was “forced to it” and wants to get “brownie points before the election.”

In this day and age, any and everything becomes a reason to divert from real news.

As the right wing pundits keep this six second story alive, airstrikes continue in Syria, and other important news stories continue.

Republican President Eisenhower - who was a five-star general - did not salute military while president because he felt it inappropriate as "out of uniform" military.

Anything to avoid the real news...