Monday, July 28, 2014

Review: "Sharknado 2 - The Second One"

Ian Ziering stars in "Sharknado 2: The Second One" 

Excerpt from rave review from the AP about Syfy's "Sharknado 2: The Second One:"

The good news: "Sharknado 2" is a hilarious must-see treat.

The original film erupted as a social-media and pop-culture phenomenon, mostly celebrated for its unwitting awfulness. It was a throwback to drive-in movies of 50 years ago that you would have ignored while you and your date put your attention elsewhere. A would-be blend of "Jaws" and "Baywatch," it was funny, but never seemed to be in on the joke.

Against all odds, "Sharknado 2" has wised up. Though it and its performers teem with conviction - no winking at the audience here - the film is unabashedly awash with fun. And unlike laid-back Cali, New York - always spoiling for a fight - is the perfect arena for dramatic strife, even from killer sharks cascading from the sky.

In fact, "Sharknado 2" serves as a paean to the Big Apple. Veteran comedian Robert Klein (playing the mayor of New York in one of the film's numerous celebrity cameos) delivers a rousing call-to-arms for all New Yorkers: "When something bites us, we bite back!" Hizzoner said a mouthful!

But the film will sink its teeth into you from its first moments as you join Fin and April on their terrifying airline flight. Fasten your seatbelt for a wicked homage. This "Sharknado" is the very definition of scared silly.

"Sharnado 2: The Second One" debuts on Syfy Channel this Wednesday at 9pm EDT.