The state of Arizona has engaged the services of lawyers from the antigay organization, the Alliance Defending Freedom, to defend the marriage ban in two lawsuits.
The organization has led unsuccessful defenses in other marriage cases in Oklahoma and Virginia, so why not hire the team that loses?
And what is their fabulous argument against gays and lesbians having equal right? That never winning hand - "it's all about procreation."
From the Arizona Republic:
The ADF lawyers say the marriage bans reinforce the strength of marriages for straight couples, and their children. The lawyers' arguments claim the state "regulates marriage for the primary purpose of protecting relationships that would produce children, and let those children grow up with a biological mother and father," The Republic reports.
"That's been the understood definition of marriage," Caleb Dalton of the ADF said to The Repubilc. "The recent laws that the plaintiffs have challenged didn't change anything. They merely reaffirmed that definition."
This is the exact approach that has failed in over 20 legal arguments. But hey, if at first you don't succeed. Keep using the same broken argument.
You'll note that the legal team does't also argue against seniors who marry or infertile couples who can't bear children.
Just the gays.
But, no animus intended. None at all.