Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Anti-gay FRC spokesman Ken Blackwell and Texas sportscaster Dale Hansen discuss Michael Sam draft

During the May 12 edition of CNN Tonight, anchor Bill Weir invited Texas sportscaster Dale Hansen, whose February speech in support of Sam created an Internet sensation, and the anti-gay Family Research Council's (FRC) Ken Blackwell to discuss the drafting of Michael Sam and his celebratory kiss with his boyfriend.

As we've come to expect, Hansen was very articulate and stayed on the subject of a football player getting a chance to prove himself on the field.

But, during the segment, Blackwell tries to suggest that Sam kissed his boyfriend to help push an "agenda" and speculated that the kiss was a "political prophylactic" to protect Sam from getting fired.  And Blackwell also veers into the underbrush by bringing up Tim Tebow who has nothing to do with the discussion.

While I know CNN was trying to have two sides to the conversation, even host Bill Weir looked a bit incredulous at some of Blackwell's statements - WHICH basically followed the FRC's usual talking points.  Here's just part of Blackwell's screed about Michael Sam:

I thought the kiss was inappropriate and over the top, but I am just surprised with the duplicity among owners and leadership of the NFL. I take it it was just a few years ago when there were players who criticized Tim Tebow for wearing his faith on his sleeve. There were folks who basically said he was not a good football player; that's why they were critical of him, not because he was a professed Christian who practiced his faith in all aspects of his life.

I really do question the network's judgment, editorial judgment in putting the kiss on -- on TV. Look, this is a very clear opportunity for Mr. Sam and others to co-op a professional sports, in this case the NFL, as a platform and as a force multiplier for advancing their agenda.

Let me just say that I hope he hasn't created a political prophylactic that will shield his inability to make the team as a football player -- as a football player because he's an advocate for a lifestyle.

(via Equality Matters)

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