Friday, April 4, 2014

Glenn Beck is confused about a LOT of things

Glenn Beck, in one of his typical wide-ranging rants, is mad and confused about many things.

First, he gets confused saying Mozilla CEO Branden Eich was forced to step down by major LGBT advocacy groups. The fact is no major LGBT group publicly called for a boycott of Mozilla or made public statements asking for Eich's resignation.

As JoeMyGod put it, "An important thing to keep in mind about the resignation of Brendan Eich is that none of the major LGBT rights groups had called for him to be removed or for a boycott of Mozilla. This was pretty much entirely an internet grassroots thing. The loudest voice in the boycott campaign was OKCupid, whose parent company is headed by Barry Diller - a billionaire heterosexual. GLAAD did issue a one sentence statement AFTER Eich resigned. Funny how nobody is calling Barry Diller a member of the "gaystapo.""

Today, according to Firefox's Twitter account, Eich was not "forced" out - he chose to step down.

Second, Beck goes into a strange diatribe asking what word is currently acceptable to call gays - Gay? Queer? Homosexual?  He then complains that the gays "keep changing the rules" as a means to "terrorizing" those who would oppose equal rights for all.

With the camera spinning around him and his wild questions, it's quite the "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride."

I have to wonder who gets into these kinds of paranoid screeds?

1 comment:

  1. Public outcries and boycotts against people in positions of power -- such as corporate big-wigs who have objectionable opinions regarding public policy -- are a non-patriotic demonstration of unAmerican ideas by people such as LGBT thugs, union hoodlums, and left wing malcontents who want to destroy free market capitalism and American society as we know it! *

    * ... unless said protests are conducted by tea-chugging Christian conservatives, in which case they're the ultimate display of democracy, patriotism, and religious freedom against the evils of the businesses lacking moral fiber.

    The preceding message was brought to you courtesy of the delusional mind of Glenn "Don't hate me just because I'm a self-serving nutcase" Beck.


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