The White Man March will take place in NYC this Saturday. According to the Gothamist, have to email to get the full information about what they're planning:
We are planning to show that White people are organized and impassioned, that we know what the anti-white agenda is all about, and that we are dedicated to waking up as many of our folk as possible. We will make it clear that we will not sit idly by as our race is discriminated against, mocked, displaced, and violently attacked, all of which amount to white genocide, according to the United Nation’s own definition of genocide. This is why one of our big messages, which will be displayed on many large banners, is “DIVERSITY” = WHITE GENOCIDE. These banners will spread the message to the public at large in the most effective way possible.
When you put it like that, how could you POSSIBLY stay away?
Like every good 30-year-old with degrees in psychology and theater and dance, Hunt has provided a dress code in case you were confused about what to wear to a hate rally:
If you are a man, put on a pair of light khakis and a nice dress shirt. It should almost look like you are a groomsman at a wedding. Or maybe like an avenging Aryan angel. Women, you know how to look great in white.
You could also wear sunglasses. Ancient warriors knew that a mask covering the eyes offers protection, but also provides the wearer with extra confidence. Sunglasses can intimidate others who cannot see your eyes, while making you seem cool and collected.
I would guess it's very important to look "cool" when attending these things...
Can you believe this?