Recently, Catholic League mouthpiece Bill Donohue had applied to march in NYC's LGBT Pride parade carrying a "Straight is Great" banner in a challenge to its inclusiveness following controversy over gay exclusion from the St. Patrick's Day parade.
Now, NYC Pride has happily invited Mr. Donohue to march in the :
In response to email communications from Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League, NYC Pride representatives provided instructions for the March’s online registration system.
“Mr. Donohue and his group are free to participate in the 2014 March. His group’s presence affirms the need for this year’s Pride theme, ‘We Have Won When We’re One.’ Straight is great – as long as there’s no hate,” said David Studinski, March Director of NYC Pride.
Chris Frederick, Managing Director of NYC Pride, added, “Straight allies are great. We have thousands of straight people participating in the Pride March, including Catholic groups, who support LGBT youth, families and married couples.”
On February 27, 2014, Donohue gave a video interview with World Over with Raymond Arroyo in which he stated, "If I wanted to get into their gay pride parade with my own float with big banners saying 'straight is great,' they would have a right to feel put-upon and I wouldn't do that to them."
You can watch Donohue talk about the idea of his marching in the LGBT Parade here.
You'll note he immediately assumes we would want to bar him from being in our parade. And thus the difference between Donohue and his ilk. Once again the LGBT community shows our inclusiveness in happily allowing people to join us in our celebration.
It's a shame that Donohue can't learn the same lesson of inclusion himself.
Mr. Donohue has been an outspoken opponent of legal recognition of LGBT people, loving LGBT families, the science of sexual orientation and HIV/AIDS education.
He continually refers to marriage equality as "crazy" and "one of the most bizarre ideas in human history," and he has equated the marriage equality movement with the "minority of people in South Africa who took away the rights of Black people." On multiple occasions, Mr. Donohue has referred to AIDS as "self-inflicted" and due to going against “natural order.”
And yet, in spite of all that, aren't we gays great? WE want to include everyone, even our haters.
Yay us!
See you at the parade Bill!