Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hate group leader: Forcing businesses to follow the law is the same as making gays attend church

Hate group leader Tony Perkins, of the Family Research Council,  says that requiring businesses to follow the law and not discriminate against gays is "essentially" the same thing as forcing gays out of a gay bar and into a church.

And clearly, by "essentially" he means "not at all the same."

Jeremy Hooper at Good As You gets it right:

"The proper analogy would if a gay bar wanted to deny a Christian customer bar service. In that case, Tony would actually have a point, as religion, like sexual orientation, is a protected class in most state nondiscrimination laws.

But the case, as the reliably hostile FRC president states it, only shows (a) how fully he misunderstands what's going on and (b) just how excessive his evangelical superiority complex truly is."

You can listen to the flawed logic of Tony Perkins below.

(via Good As You)

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