Wednesday, December 4, 2013

LGBT web-series EastSiders gets Satellite Award nomination

For the first time, the International Press Academy for the Satellite Award will recognize exceptional web content, and the LGBT-based EastSiders has earned one of the nominations.

If you haven't been following the series, the show follows a gay couple struggling with infidelity in Los Angeles.

After the first two episodes debuted on Youtube last year, the first season found it's funding through Kickstarter in only four days, and the remaining episodes premiered on and Viacom.

Kit Williamson, EastSiders' creator, had this to say about the nomination:

"I think it's amazing that the International Press Academy has added a category recognizing web series this year. It's a huge step forward for digital content creators and I'm honored to be a part of the inaugural class of digital nominees. EastSiders started out as a labor of love — I just wanted to make a show I'd want to watch, with gay characters I could relate to — and when I put the first episode on youtube last December I never expected the show to attract the attention of Logo, much less to be recognized by the International Press Academy. It's especially exciting to be nominated alongside such an amazing lineup of shows."

EastSiders will be included in the Original Short-Format Category.   The other nominees include High Maintenance, Burning Love, Ask A Slave, Little Horribles, Blue, #Just Saying,#SamoKazem, and Ghost Girls. 

Check out all of the 2013 nominees by clicking here.

(via OUT)