Due on November 15th, NOM released their requested financial documents, per court order, late last night. Federal law requires organizations to publicly release their 990s the same day an in-person request is made, which the Human Rights Campaign had done on two previous occasions.
The HRC has issued a statement on the financial documents that show the vast bulk of funding comes from only 3 donors.
Just three donors accounted for roughly two thirds of the organization’s funding – further evidence that everyday Americans have little interest in furthering NOM’s extremist agenda.
According to the 990 form supplied by the National Organization for Marriage Education Fund, NOM’s 501(c)(3) charitable education arm, the Education Fund loaned NOM nearly $1.7 million. This calls into question whether the Education Fund’s loans allowed NOM to engage in electoral or excessive lobbying activity that violates the Education Fund’s tax exempt status.
“It’s becoming increasingly difficult to look at the so-called National Organization for Marriage as a viable entity,” said Fred Sainz, HRC Vice President of Communications. “The organization draws its funds from just a few mega-donors, and it boasts a losing electoral track record over the past few years that reflects how increasingly out-of-step NOM’s anti-LGBT agenda is with the values of the average American voter.”
Three mega-donors make up the huge majority of money raised?
"Grass roots organization" my butt...