Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blind dog Jeffrey and his "guide dog" brother Jermaine

Brothers Jeffrey and Jermaine sleep together
Puppy-dog Jeffrey is blind and his brother, Jermaine, is his loyal guide dog.

The 8-month-old pups were found on the streets of Philadelphia in October, according to Operation Ava, the animal rescue that is trying to find them a permanent home together.

"The unconditional love and devotion these two dogs show is positively inspirational," reads a post from the Chester County SPCA, which shared the photo on Facebook Nov. 15. The photo subsequently received more than 34,000 likes – and counting!

The good news is they have received many applications to adopt the handsome guys.  Just a matter of days before they have a permanent home.

Watch the two brothers in the video below.  This is one of the most moving things I've seen.

Operation Ava - Jeffrey & Jermaine from Engagement Studios on Vimeo.

(via People)