Thursday, October 10, 2013

Russian lawmaker proposes banning surrogacy for gays

Russian lawmaker Vitaly Milonov

This guy is a piece of work.

Anti-gay Russian lawmaker Vitaly Milonov (pictured), who co-sponsored the “non-traditional relationships” propaganda bill, has recommended an amendment banning same-sex couples from having biological children through surrogacy:

“At present, Russian law has a loophole through which members of sexual minorities are allowed to inform children about homosexuality,” his office said earlier this week. “By and large, thanks to surrogacy, homosexuals have the ability to inform a child about their lifestyle, values, and views on gender roles and relations.”

He continued: “It is necessary to amend the Russian law banning the promotion of homosexuality and pedophilia among minors, officially registering a ban on the use of surrogacy for gay men and people with blurred sexual preferences.”

Additionally, Milonov supports proposed legislation which would deny custody to people “guilty” of being gay on the same grounds as alcoholism, drug use, a history of violence, insanity, and child abuse.

But remember, President Putin would have you know that gays and lesbians are TOTALLY NOT the target of discrimination in Russia.

More at Queerty

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