Friday, August 2, 2013

Nick Jonas: Instagram shirtless pic was about fitness as diabetic

Nick Jonas shares shirtless self-pic to show diabetics can stay in shape and stay healthy

Nick Jonas talks to the Ryan Seacrest Show about the viral shirtless Instagram selfie that lit up the web this week:

“There’s a lot of people running around without their shirts on these days, so I just didn’t want to add to the noise, but I felt like as a diabetic … it’s twice as hard for us diabetics to stay in shape.

"I’ve met a lot of diabetics recently who have come to me and said, ‘Thank you for being so vocal about fitness and health’ because it’s helping them. I just wanted to give some inspiration to those people … It’s been a pretty hilarious reaction.”

Jonas tagged the Instagram pic with this: "I never do this but... Healthy living and fitness update. Post workout picture. #diabeticinshape #2.0"

You can listen to the interview below: