Monday, June 10, 2013

France: Government moves to disband anti-gay marriage group after murder

On Saturday French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault ordered the Revolutionary National Front (JNR in French) to disband following the allegations that the group was somehow involved in the death of pro-gay protester Clement Meric.
The JNR is the militant wing of a far-right group called the Third Way.

Its leader Serge Ayoub, who has been questioned by police but is not a suspect, on Saturday again denied the group had anything to do with the death of 18-year-old Clement Meric.

Meric, a student at the prestigious Sciences-Po university, died after a clash in a busy Paris shopping area on Wednesday between skinheads and left-wing activists.

Five people detained over the death went before a judge on Saturday and Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said the main suspect, named Esteban, was being investigated on suspicion of murder. The five suspects are aged between 19 and 32 and include one woman. Interior Minister Manuel Valls on Friday vowed to crack down on far-right groups.
Several members of the group, which marched in the most recent Manif Pour Tous protest against gay marriage, are alleged to have murdered 18 year-old pro-gay activist Clement Meric.

(from JMG)

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