Sunday, February 10, 2013

Arkansas restaurant owner compares LGBT equality organization to KKK

The Advocate is reporting that the owner of Sisters Gourmet Bistro cancelled the group's reservation to host a fundraiser after he realized it was for an LGBT organization.

"I told them that I do not support their cause," Sisters owner Richard Hodo told 40/29TV. "That if they want to do that, that's their business. I do not care, but I don't support their lifestyle and their cause."

River Valley organizers say Hodo's refusal to serve them amounts to antigay discrimination, and noted that the owner compared the center to a white supremacist hate-group.

Hodo confirmed that comparison in an interview with 40/29TV.  "What I told the lady on the phone," said Hodo, "Look, I said, if the KKK came here and wanted to hold a fundraiser rally and all that, I wouldn't allow that either."

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