Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Machine turns vote for Obama into one for Romney

Earlier today, a Pennsylvania voter posted video of a voting machine marking a vote for Mitt Romney when the voter pressed the appropriate location on the screen to vote for President Obama.

The video was first posted on Youtube by user “centralpavoter.” It shows a voter’s finger repeatedly pressing the button for Obama, but a check mark coming up next to Romney’s name:

The machine has now been taken out of service.

As the voter discovered the error before casting their ballot, there is no reason to believe their vote was miscast for Romney — although it is also not clear if other voters used the machine before the error was discovered.

1 comment:

  1. Why are places trusting machines at all after the Florida 'hanging chad' debacle? In Minnesota we use the good old fill-in-the-oval with black pen approach. Now hopefully the machine that is tallying is reading them right!


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