Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Iowans retain pro-equality judge David Wiggins

After punishing three Supreme Court justices in the last election over same-sex marriage, the Des Moines Register reports that anti-gay voters in Iowa failed to send the fourth home:

Wiggins, 61, needed a simple majority of votes to stay on high court. With 83 percent of Iowa’s 1,689 precincts reported, Wiggins had 54 percent.

“As I understand the numbers, I think we did get a decisive win” that hopefully will prevent future challenges to judges, said Iowa State Bar Association Cynthia Moser. “We’ve very pleased with the numbers we received.”

Bob Vander Plaats, head of the Iowans For Freedom committee that spearheaded a campaign to oust Wiggins, conceded defeat late Tuesday. However, he said the apparent small margin for retention was “not a great validation for Justice Wiggins.”

Thousands of voters on Tuesday repeated the message sent two years ago that they didn’t want the courts to make law, Vander Plaats said. “I think the courts understand that people of Iowa still have a voice if they chose to go outside their constitutional boundaries.”

1 comment:

  1. We did it right this time. None of the BS was believed. My fellow Iowans became more educated on the issue and voted on the right side of justice. Go Iowa!


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