Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Got that "In-between" mustache? It Gets Fuller

The month formerly known as November, where men proudly let their masculinity shine by growing a handsome moustache in support of men’s cancer research.

Riffing on the "It Gets Better" videos, Nick Offerman from The Office consoles and gives advice on growing a moustache for Movember. If you’re stuck at the “Ugly Geraldo” stage, hang in there because… it gets fuller!

The video comes from Made Man, a proud partner of Movember, the month where men grow moustaches to support men’s health. Donate to support Made Man’s Movember team today!

Last year Made Man helped raise over $40,000 in support of Movember - part of the movement that raised $120 million worldwide.

More info at Man Made

(via AccidentalBear)

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