Monday, November 5, 2012

Chris Kluwe quits the Twin Cities Pioneer Press

Chris Kluwe, the staunch LGBT ally and Minnesota Vikings punter, left his freelance post at the St. Paul Pioneer Press over that publication's op-ed supporting an amendment to the state constitution that would define marriage as one man, one woman.

Kluwe's outrage comes not from the Pioneer Press having an opinion on the amendment; it comes from pretending that the op-ed wasn't endorsing one side when it clearly was.

Kluwe wrote one more blog post for the paper explaining in detail after detail why he felt the op-ed was dishonest and downright lied. 

From Chris Kluwe's final post on
How does this piece lie? It lies, most simply, in this sentence, “the Pioneer Press is not endorsing one way or another.”

You have made your endorsement, gentlemen. You chose your side. What you did not choose, what you refused to face, was the courage to stand for your convictions, to attach your names to the position your actions claimed. That is why I will no longer associate with you, why I decline to give you page views and ad revenue any longer. The only reason I’m posting this piece here, and not somewhere else, is because I said I would, and I believe that one’s word is not something to be given lightly.

I will not stand for the continual eroding of society. I will not tolerate the presentation of a biased argument under a thin coat of presumed neutrality. I will not contribute to the cheapening of discourse and thought that decays every single news as entertainment outlet in this country. I absolutely will not compromise my ethics and morality, ideals that lead me to treat others with empathy and honesty, to demand truth not only from myself but from those around me.

You can see Chris' tweets from Saturday below:

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