Sunday, September 23, 2012

Utah holds 2nd Annual Pink Dot event

Pinkdot Utah aims to launch the movement's credo — Support. Love. Courage. — by encouraging Utahns to speak up for their lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) family members, co-workers, neighbors and friends.

I really love the message of the campaign. And watch the video above, I think about how many friends I had in high school who also might have said "I wish he knew..."

Especially impactful are those early and high school years, that to this day my first reaction is to cringe when I think of them. While "It Gets Better" is a great catch phrase today, it's also the truth. Life did get better for me once I got past some of the scars of my years at Arlington Heights High School. It wasn't all bad, and I do have some great memories. Since then, because of Facebook, I've been in touch with folks like Patti Brown, Addester Williams, Karen Ralston, Jennifer Hardgrove, Mimi Rogers, Peggy Bittrick - and I've really enjoyed that. And of course my best friends through the whole ordeal - John and David - who really gave me a lot of self-confidence. All of them were great during high school. But right along side those good memories are the "mean girls" comments that were pretty difficult for a 16 year to handle. I don't think of high school without remembering Robbie Pulido calling "hey faggot" many times, even while we were both on the cheerleading squad as seniors. Or Randy Milligan walking ahead of me and saying to someone "hey lookout, there's a fag behind you."

I got over it. And then some, you might say. I forgive, but I also don't forget. Big learning experience not only for my own growth but also in realizing young people often have no idea of the power of words.

PinkDot is a great event I'd love to see expand across the country to let folks know that they are fine the way they are.

The Council held its second annual pinkdot event on September 22, 2012, next to the International Peace Gardens in Salt Lake City's Jordan Park.

At its innaugaral event an estimated 2,000 people helped form Utah's first giant human pinkdot.

The campaign and event are targeted to attract both straight and gay Utahns and visitors, many who may come to support their family members, friends, co-workers and neighbors.

Check out the excellent video above, and for more info go to