Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Marriage up 14% in NYC since passage of marriage equality

Over the past six months, the New York City Clerk's Office saw a significant uptick in the number of marriage licenses it issued — 4,042, or 14%, more than were handed out in the same time period in 2010.

While the NYC City Clerk's Office does not require marriage license applicants to identify themselves by gender, the reason for the significant uptick is obvious.

"We're overwhelmed," said Michael McSweeney, the city clerk. "It's been much busier for us than this time last year, but we're delighted to see the extra business because we understand the impact. We're handling it. We're thrilled."

Gay people come to New York because it's a place of tolerance,” Harvey Molotch, a professor of sociology at New York University, said to the Wall Street Journal. “It's already a place to come for vacation, and that lends itself to getting married, too. You can stay there, have a good time, and do lots of things. It's like that YMCA song.”

There you have it - the Village People were WAAAY ahead of their time.