Saturday, December 17, 2011

Marcus Bachmann outlines his "First Spouse" agenda

Ladybird Bachmann, or Marcus Bachmann as he is known in many circles, outlined what would be his agenda as the "first spouse" should his wife Michele Bachmann defeat all odds and not only become the GOP candidate for President but actually go even farther and BECOME President.

From the New York Times, Marcus shares with us:

“I’ve decided my cause is not going to be happy meals,” he said during a stop at the Family Table Restaurant here, apparently a dig at Mrs. Obama.

“We are going to be the message-givers,” said Mr. Bachmann, who runs a Christian counseling service that has been accused of trying to “heal” gays by persuading them to become heterosexual.

“We are going to get this message across,” he said. “Marriage is between one man and one woman. We are going to promote families.”

Good to know that, should time and fate warp into a science fiction movie, Marcus Bachmann would decide to use her platform - instead of addressing literacy like Laura Bush or fighting obesity like Michele Obama - to fight the scourge of marriage equality.

And then she woke up for her dream...

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