Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Michele Bachman's jacket killed on Twitter last night

The GOP debate on Tuesday lit up Twitter with an entirely unexpected topic: Michele Bachmann’s white jacket.

There were hundreds of tweets about the jacket in question, but I’ve posted my top 10 Tweets about Michele Bachmann’s white jacket:

Michele Bachmann is rockin’ that strait jacket tonight.

Bachmann “I’m the most different candidate from Barack Obama” just look at my jacket

Michael Jackson is rolling in his mausoleum for Bachmann wearing his Dangerous jacket

I just want Michelle Bachmann to pop-lock right quick since she’s wearing the same jacket Janet had on in Rhythm Nation

Did someone tell Bachmann the #GOPdebate was a costume party? Maybe that’s the reason for the Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band jacket

I just really wish @andersoncooper would ask Bachmann “WHAT is UP with that JACKET?”

Has Michele Bachmann joined the Lithiuanian navy? What is thatjacket?

Michele Bachmann looks like she’s running for President of the Love Boat in that jacket

I can’t hear Bachmann over the loud jacket from JCPenny’s Lady Dictator line.

Michele Bachmann looks like she’s running for Space Emperor.

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