Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hate Group: Teaching kids about LGBT contributions "amounts to mental molestation"

Save California says that since the effort to repeal SB48 has failed, Christian parents must now remove their children from public schools. Or else they will be "mentally molested."

The only way to opt out your children from this mess is to exit the government schools and enter the Promised Land of homeschooling and church school. Millions of parents in the United States have exited the government schools; you can too. You CAN homeschool or AFFORD a low-cost church school. To give your children the best and to protect them from ruinous influences that drag down their character, this is your only option.

While some parents may initially find this solution uncomfortable or difficult, my question is this: How much worse does it have to get before you intervene? If a speeding car was on a collision course with your child, wouldn’t you do all you could to rush to rescue your child? And what if you found out someone was planning to sexually molest your child? Nothing could stop you from rescuing your boy or girl. Think about it. If we are so concerned about the physical safety of children, why wouldn’t we also protect their mental, emotional, and spiritual safety? Realize that the raft of school sexual indoctrination mandates imposed on all children in California government schools amounts to mental molestation.

Via JoeMyGod

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