Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" turns 30
It's been on Journey's set list every night for three decades running.
"Do you guys ever do a show without 'Don't Stop Believin'?" asks Jim Axelrod on CBS Sunday Morning.
"We haven't," says Journey's Jonathan Cain. "Not since it's been written, no."
It may have started as solely Journey's song - but it belongs to all of us now. The most covered, karaoked, and parodied song in modern music history.
With digital sales at almost four and a half million, it is officially the most downloaded song ever recorded in the 20th century.
Adam Anders is Glee's executive music producer, who says the show's creators originally wanted Coldplay's "Viva la Vida" to be the pilot episode's killer closer, but were denied permission to use it. The rest, Anders says, is Gleek history.
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