Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sports agency shows intolerance; proclaims "not a bigot"

Todd Reynolds
After New York Rangers forward Sean Avery recorded a video in support of marriage equality, he was promptly criticized by a Canadian sports management executive, who took to Twitter with a series of posts knocking gay marriage.

Todd Reynolds, VP of Uptown Sports Management, which represents a handful of NHL players, tweeted that it was “very sad to read Sean Avery’s misguided support of same-gender ‘marriage’. Legal or not, it will always be wrong.”

Later in the day, his father compared gay marriage to bestiality.

However, once Reynolds took some heat for his views, he quickly response: "To clarify. This is not hatred or bigotry towards gays. It is not intolerance in any way shape or form. I believe we are all equal."

Later on TSN Radio he said: If you oppose a viewpoint, you're immediately targeted by some people as a hater, a bigot, intolerant, homophobic and many other terms. I don't hate anyone and I'm certainly no a bigot, but I believe in marriage between one man and one woman."

Someone should point out to the confused Mr. Reynolds the very definition of "bigot" - a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion; one who stubbornly or intolerantly adheres to his or her own opinions and prejudices.

Yep. I think we've now cleared that up.

This pretty much sums up Mr. Reynolds. He stubbornly adheres to his own opinions and prejudices.  It's always amazing to see the old chestnut "I don't think gays should have any rights, but that doesn't make me intolerant."

Hockey professionals quickly spoke out against the anti-gay comments made by Uptown Sports management:

Agent Scott Norton, who helped bring the Stanley Cup to last year’s gay pride in Chicago, told Outsports:

"I think they are very small minded comments. The world has changed, and people need to change also. Everyone in the world has rights, and one of the main rights is to have the ability to love and care for whomever you want, no matter race, religion or sexual orientation."

Agent Andrew Warren told Outsports he is a big supporter and a good friend of Patrick Burke:

"I absolutely would support any client, friend, or family member who came out. I believe that public support of gay rights in sports will make it easier for those in the world of sports that may want to come out able to do so without apprehension or fear."

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