Sunday, May 8, 2011

Chippendales everywhere

Has anyone noticed that recently the Chippendales seem to be everywhere? Living in Vegas I'm used to seeing them on billboards, on TV and at charity events. But they seem to be in demand on TV a lot nowadays.

Not that I'm complaining. I celebrate that women can a good time looking at good looking guys. Chippendales are the new "cool."

This past Friday they were featured on "ELLEN" and will be again this coming Monday, and are now set to be on "Chelsea Lately" on Monday also.  They were just on Wendy Williams Show a bit back.  When Ellen AND Wendy AND Chelsea are joining in the fun, you know it's back on the radar.

Ronnie from Jersey Shore stopped by the Vegas production to show some muscle lately.

And on their own time they take part in charity events all over Las Vegas, between performances at their theater at the Rio Hotel and Casino.

This ain't your mama's Chippendales.

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