Monday, August 6, 2018

Trump Confirms Russian/Trump Tower Meeting Was Collusion

Donald Trump confirmed via Twitter that the now-infamous Trump Tower meeting between Don Jr and a Russian government attorney was about getting dirt on political opponent Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump

You may remember that when the story broke about Don Trump Jr. meeting with a Russian government attorney at Trump Tower during the 2016 elections, Donald Trump described the meeting as a short introductory meeting discussing a program about the adoption of Russian children that was popular with American families years ago but had been stopped by the Russian government.

Trump Jr. said the meeting was not campaign-related in any way.

And then his emails were made public and the world found out he'd lied.

Sunday morning, the president confirmed (seemingly by accident) that Junior's meeting was, in fact, a confab about getting dirt from Russian agents about Hillary Clinton, which, by the way, is illegal.

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