Sunday, June 3, 2018

Missouri: African-American Drivers Are 85% More Likely To Be Pulled Over Than Whites

African-Americans are 85% more likely to be stopped by police in Missouri than whites
(image via Depositphotos)

A new report from the Missouri Attorney General's office shows African-American drivers are 85% more likely to be pulled over than whites.

That's a ten percent jump from the previous year and the highest level in the 18 year history of the annual report.

More from the AP:

Attorney General Josh Hawley on Friday released his office’s annual Vehicle Stops Report. The “disparity index” comparing traffic stops among races showed a jump from last year, when blacks were 75 percent more likely than whites to be stopped. Until now, last year’s percentage had been the highest since the reports began in 2000.

John Gaskin, spokesman for the St. Louis County chapter of the NAACP, said the numbers are shocking.

“Quite frankly, it’s really deplorable,” Gaskin said. “It’s why we’ve ended up in a situation where people are talking about travel advisories and African-American groups are less likely to come and do business in our state.”

In light of last year's vehicle stop data and other racial concerns, the NAACP issued a travel warning to the state.

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