Sunday, May 27, 2018

Donald Trump Rants About "Young And Beautiful Lives" Destroyed By "Phony Witch Hunt"

Donald Trump has continued his wild and wacky Twitter rant all weekend long about the ongoing investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

From Politico:

"Who’s going to give back the young and beautiful lives (and others) that have been devastated and destroyed by the phony Russia Collusion Witch Hunt? They journeyed down to Washington, D.C., with stars in their eyes and wanting to help our nation. ... They went back home in tatters," the president wrote on Twitter.

Trump has repeatedly called special counsel Mueller's probe a "witch hunt," a charge that in recent weeks has been coupled with renewed calls from his allies to end the probe soon. Some House lawmakers have gone even further, arguing that reports stating a confidential FBI informant met with Trump campaign officials means the investigation is irrevocably tainted.

"With Spies, or “Informants” as the Democrats like to call them because it sounds less sinister (but it’s not), all over my campaign," Trump wrote on Twitter on Saturday, "even from a very early date, why didn’t the crooked highest levels of the FBI or “Justice” contact me to tell me of the phony Russia problem?"

It's unclear who Trump is referring to when he says individuals have "went back home in tatters." A score of former campaign aides have reportedly met with Mueller's team along with congressional investigators — racking up significant legal bills in the process.

It's not exactly clear who the "young and beautiful" folks are that Trump is referring to.

The investigation isn't exactly a "witch hunt" in that there have been at least five guilty pleas, including from former national security adviser Michael Flynn, former campaign adviser George Papadopoulos, and former campaign aide Rick Gates.

It was Papadopoulos' conversation with an Australian diplomat regarding "dirt" on Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign that began the FBI's original investigation into the president's campaign that has become the Mueller probe.

And just for good measure, the Trumpster threw out some more deflection on Hillary Clinton:

Yesterday, Trump got angry that a New York Times report referenced "a senior White House official" as a source for a report. Trump wants his followers to believe that journalists make these things up, so he simply announced the "official" didn't exist.

Except, the official does exist. And dozens of reporters were introduced to White House official Dan Pottinger who gave the briefing Trump references. The irony is that the White House press office insisted that briefing which hundreds of reporters heard be on background.

Reporter Yashar Ali tweeted the official's name even though the briefing was done "on background" because Ali isn't a White House reporter and not on the actual briefing conference call.

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