Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The View: Stormy Daniels Reveals "Composite Sketch" Of Alleged Thug Who Threatened Her

In an appearance on ABC's The View today, Stormy Daniels and her lawyer Michael Avenatti revealed a “composite sketch” of the man who Daniels alleges threatened her if she didn't shut up about her alleged affair with Donald Trump a decade ago.

Avenatti also announced there is a $100,000 reward for information leading to the man’s identification. Folks with any information can send contact Avenatti at IDtheThug@gmail.com.

I want to say, regarding the clips below, Daniels handles herself with a lot of aplomb and confidence here.

Meghan McCain asks direct questions that easily could have elicited a more argumentative or defensive response from Daniels. But instead, she calmly let McCain make her statements and then answered with logic in a calm, reasonable demeanor.

Daniels did get a laugh when asked about Trump's denial that he knew anything about the $130,000 payment made to her: "I work in the adult business and I'm a better actor than he is."

The more I see of Daniels, the more and more I'm impressed.

Contrast her appearance on The View with Donald Trump's histrionic public pronouncements with 4th grade language skills, and you get the picture.

Watch the clips below from today's appearance.

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