Friday, March 30, 2018

Poll: 67% Of Younger Americans Disapprove Of Donald Trump's Handling Of The Presidency

Donald Trump

A new poll released by the Associated Press today shows a large majority of younger Americans (age 15-34) disapprove of Donald Trump's handling of the presidency, and call him "racist" and "unfit" to be president.

From The Hill:

Just 33 percent of Americans between the ages of 15 and 34 approve of the president's performance in office, nine points lower than the average of all adults in the same poll this month.

In addition, more than six in ten younger Americans say Trump "is a racist" and is "generally dishonest," while 60 percent exactly say he is "mentally unfit" for the office of the president.

The poll also shows widespread support for progressive causes among this age bracket, including 60 percent who want the government to do more to fight climate change and 67 percent who want a health care system in which “the government provides health insurance to all Americans.”

Now, if we could just get more young folk to get out and vote...

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