Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Arkansas County Clerk Refuses To Issue Marriage License To Same-Sex Couples

(click to enlarge)

In Arkansas today, Van Buren County clerk Pam Bradford circulated a memo (see above) which indicated her decision to defy the U.S. Supreme Court and order her office to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Both Gov. Asa Hutchinson and Attorney General Leslie Rutledge have announced their intention that state offices follow the SCOTUS ruling. What with it being the law of the land and all that, don't you know?

Bradford then gave a statement later in the day that she had spoken with an Arkansas attorney, Mike Rainwater, who provides legal advice to county governments, and is now saying she will issue marriage licenses.

This followed a phone message to me from Mathew Staver, head of the Liberty Counsel in Texas, which said it had agreed to represent Bradford to defend her in resisting issuance of licenses.

Moral: Local advice better than that of outside agitator.
