Friday, February 6, 2015

Tony Perkins' Shorts In A Knot Over President Obama's National Prayer Breakfast Comments

In an email blast last night hate group leader Tony Perkins attacked the President for comments made at yesterday's National Prayer Breakfast:

In a speech that I can only describe as surreal, the President went on to liken Christians to the monsters behind ISIS and American racism. "And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ." First of all, the crusades were almost a thousand years ago. ISIS is killing today. What's more, every true follower of Christ condemns the acts of barbarism committed under the mask of religion -- in medieval or American history. The teachings of Christianity do not call for, nor do they condone, brutality or bigotry. Can the same be said of Islam? Are Muslims around the world denouncing the ruthless and inhumane actions of ISIS?

While Perkins may not like the truth, Jim Crow laws and the Crusades DID happen. And the fact is we must learn from the past.

Interesting that in arguing against marriage equality, Perkins LIKES to reference the past, but today when the Crusades are mentioned he dismisses the issue with "that was almost a thousand years ago."

More and more Perkins gets his panties in a wad over occasions when the President doesn't choose to use Perkin's specific language on issues. It really seems to turn him into an impertinent child.

Watch below as Perkins appears on, where else?, Fox News:

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